
City Administration manages and directs the operations and finances of the City of Melrose.


  • Professional excellence and quality in the delivery of services

  • Acknowledging and respecting all cultures within our community

  • Fiscal responsibility

  • Ethics and integrity

  • Teamwork


  • We believe that service to the public is our reason for being and strive to deliver quality services in a highly professional and cost-effective manner.

  • Dedication to meet the needs of the diverse cultures and striving for unity of the same goals amongst the cultures. All citizens to be an intricate part of meeting this enduring goal.

  • Fiscal responsibility in the safeguarding of municipal funds to provide for present and future quality of life and ensure ongoing confidence by the citizens.

  • Open and honest communication among employees and the citizens will garner respect, cooperation and increased involvement with the City of Melrose.

  • We will support, encourage and assist our co-workers in both their professional lives and their personal lives. We will value the uniqueness of each individual and the talent they bring to the group as a whole.


City Administrator

Colleen Winter

City Clerk/Licensing Coordinator

Patti Haase

Human Resources

Doris Rieland

Finance Director

Jackie Niehaus

Accounting Clerk/Office Coordinator

Stacy Funk


Accounting General functions include:

  • Preparing monthly journal entries and interim financial reports for all City funds

  • Preparing the City's annual comprehensive financial report

  • Balancing and preparing cash receipts for deposit

  • Developing, formatting, and publishing the Utility and City's budget documents

  • Summarizing all departmental budget requests for presentation to the Utilities Commission and Mayor, City Council as appropriate

  • Maintaining records of general fixed assets and Enterprise Fund fixed assets

  • Preparing the billing and tracking outstanding balances of special assessments

Utility Billing
The City bills for water, sewer and electric.

Ambulance, Fire and Misc. Billing
The City bills for Ambulance, Fire, miscellaneous billings

Community Development Director

Sheila Hellermann

Receptionist/Building Permit Technician

Alex Evenson

Utility Billing Clerk

Lisa Braun

City Clerk

The City Clerk exists to ensure the integrity of municipal governance through the ethical, and impartial administration, maintenance and preservation of the electoral, legislative and recordkeeping processes.

The official functions and duties of the City Clerk are set forth in Minnesota Statutes. The following is a general summary of the core services provided by the City Clerk:

  • Provide the City Council /Utilties Commission with centralized staff support.

  • Prepares agendas, minutes, ordinances and resolutions for the City Council / Utilities Commission and others as needed.

  • Maintains municipal records as mandated by State Statutes.

  • Serves as the document and information resource to the City Council, City staff and the public.

  • Maintains custody, control, filing and storage of legislation, books, papers, minutes and other written and recorded documents and materials pertaining to the operation of City government.

  • Certifies, distributes and publishes (when necessary) all resolutions and ordinances.

  • Serves as Data Compliance Official; receiving and responding to issues and/or complaints about access to public documents.

  • Oversees local elections and the processing of candidacy filings and campaign finance reporting.

  • Issues various business/services licenses.

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Melrose Campaign Finance Reports

Human Resources

It is the mission of Human Resource staff to provide the most qualified personnel to staff various City positions through an employee recruitment and selection process.

Human Resource responsibilities include assisting in job description analysis and classification and appropriate allocation to pay rates for compliance with pay equity reporting and implementation as per Minnesota Statute. The Human Resource Coordinator develops and implements personnel policies and assures compliance with FLSA, FMLA, State Statutes, State and Federal labor laws, and City organizational needs. Additional responsibilities of the Human Resource Coordinator include:

  • Compensation/benefit administration;

  • Recruitment and selection

  • Labor negotiations and administering labor contracts to ensure implementation and compliance;

  • Administering the City’s Drug and Alcohol Program;

  • Administering City’s workers compensation and general liability insurance.

The HR Coordinator also serves as the City's:

  • HIPPA Privacy Officer;

  • Exposure Control Officer; and

  • Safety Program Coordinator

Payroll is administered through the HR Department.